[ID-PHy] » RPN & HP Calc » RPN Calculator Reviewed at Free Downloads Center

Scientific and Business RPN Calculator

... with calculation edit and replay, infinite stack, full display, history navigation, save, reload and print, user defined functions, conversions, ... and even a mouse keyboard ! Unmatched features for free !

» Download and/or Run latest version
» Installation instructions
» Complete User's Guide
» See also HP-41C related topics : Programming Environment, HP-IL Manuals and Bar Codes, links ...
» Et une petite initiation à la Notation Polonaise Inverse (ou RPN en anglais), si besoin en est.

As I cannot use another calculator than an HP like (this is RPN logic), and as I always have my PC with, and no hand held calculator, I wrote years ago, and recently enhanced, a small RPN Calculator program (in C). Looking at all the GUI versions of the HP-41C, HP-25, ... I've seen, this is maybe very ugly (run in DOS box, basic help, ...) but it works, and "traces" all intermediates key strokes and results.
As you can see on the image here aside, I also took some liberties with old classical HP calculators, adding 'Last y' and allowing infinite stack. The "benefit" of the ugly DOS screen, is that I tried to occupy it as much as I could, with valuable data instead of graphical buttons (and anyway, I always want shortcuts to functions, finding mouse operated calculators quite to slow !). And last, it fits about 130% of my daily needs, and if it doesn't, well, I open my source file back and start writing !

In Version 5, I gave in "Progress pressure" and converted it for Windows 7, added a mouse keyboard, extending the DOS screen to 50 lines mode. Many thanks to Bill, who did nothing but requesting it ! ;-)

Sure you have a better one, but here it is :


The ZIP file contains the program file, help file and the example files (see below).

You can also directly test or use it pressing the "Run RPN Calc" button, the only limitation being that you'll not have the help file, so an error message will appear when invoking Help function.

And how to run it with a single click ?

Installation instructions

Nothing to install, just copy the .EXE and new .TXT (help) files, or unzip package to where you want. The following only reminds (because everyone already knows this, of course !) how to associate an icon to it, and most important, how to configure it for mouse operated.

Here a quick tip, based on Windows 2000 (similar procedure under other Windows versions) :

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RPN Calculator V5.0 : User's Guide


          Author : Pierre HARDY
          Date :   February 2014

     Copyright (c) Pierre Hardy, 2014. All rights reserved.
     The program and this document may be freely used and distributed.
     E-mail author at: pierrehardy01@yahoo.be
     Web site : http://id-phy.orgfree.com/

Table of Content

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Versions history :

 CALCV50.EXE  : Version 5, Release 0; 28th February 2014
   Converted to run under Windows 7
   added :
      - Copy to clipboard : Ctrl-C or double click on "Result"
      - Mouse scroll = up/down
 CALCV41.EXE  : Version 4, Release 1; 5th August 2007
   added :
      - User defined functions
      - Edit on results
      - Currency rate and name customization
   modif :
      - Quick Help (now in separate file)
      - .INI file name is version dependent
      - Number format name and key changed form EXP to SCI (to avoid some confusion)
      - ... many internal parts re-written / updated.
 CALCV40d.EXE  : Version 4, Release 0d; 3rd March 2005
   modif : 10^X (10 to power X) works with real number (don't take only integer part anymore).
 CALCV40c.EXE  : Version 4, Release 0c; 12th December 2004
   added :
      - Factorial function
      - Error handling (overflow, ...)
   modif :
      - Negative number entry (INSert key as sign toggle)
 CALCV4_0.EXE  : Version 4, Release 0; 29th August 2004
   added :
      - Mouse keypad in 50 lines DOS mode
      - Floating (FIX) or Exponent (SCIentific) display format, with 0 to 9 decimal digits.
      - No save option : quit without save
      - Navigation in History with Pg Up/Down, Home & End
   modif :
      - 'E' no more valid as Exponent character (in numbers)
 CALCV3_5.EXE  : Version 3, Release 5; 30th March 2004
   added :
      - Auto-save options on Exit
      - Conversion between HH.nnnnnn and HH.MMSSssss
 CALCV3_4.EXE  : Version 3, Release 4; 17th February 2004
   added :
      - Registers saved and re-naming option (also saved)
   modif :
      - Help corrected (p,P instead of e,E for e^x and 10^x).
 CALCV3_3.EXE  : Version 3, Release 3; 20th November 2003
   added :
      - Scrolling in History window
 CALCV32b.EXE  : Version 3, Release 2b; 18th November 2003
   added :
      - Delete line from History
   modif :
      - BUGs corrected (input 'E' after '.', display of '-' sign with thousand separator, ...)
 CALCV3_2.EXE  : Version 3, Release 2; 10th November 2003
   added :
      - Histoy SAVE and RELOAD (Open)
      - Print to TEXT file
      - Trigonometric functions
      - Finance functions
   modif :
      - Navigation (function keys changed, arrows to swap, ...)
      - Display (no more special characters like arrows, ...)
 CALCV3_1.EXE  : Version 3, Release 1; 13th October 2003
   added :
      - Indirect memory operations,
      - Increment memory, for ...
      - History navigation, edit and replay (with lines skip)
 CALCV2_4a.EXE : Version 2, Release 4a; 2nd October 2003
   added :
      - 1/x, square, cube, square root functions
      - support Scientific number notation (ex: 12e-7)
      - '=' as Minus sign in number entry
      - ',' as Decimal point
      - partial memory operation display
 CALCV2_3.EXE  : Version 2, Release 3; 23 September 2003
   added : Quick Help
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Screen layout :

The screen is composed of a header (status line) and two display areas, plus an optional mouse keypad, from line 26 to 50.

NB : In the illustrated example, the Memory register has been renamed as Index (for display only, see later for more information on register re-naming).

1. Header (Status line) :

The first line of the screen is dedicated to the header, with the Title and "Help" on top of the History, and the Status line on top of the Registers display.
On the Status line, are shown :
The 'Memory Dump' (status, names, registers, stack and history) is stored in the same directory as the program file, in CALC.INI.  Preferences are thus kept between calls.

2. The right one (usually, text in green on black) : traces all operations (History) :

3. The left one (blue background) : shows all registers :

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Number input, Format & Data type :

Number input

Numbers format

Data type

Each value (stack element, register, ... see next section) has an associated data type. This stores the number format (Fix or Sci, but not the number of displayed digits), or some specific formats like 'Percent' or 'HMS'. Data type are carried on with numbers when recalled & stored, but for now, no data type check is performed on operation, so you can add numbers in HMS and HR format, but the result will not be what you may expect : 1.5 + 1:30:00 will give 2:80:00 ! Just because 1:30:00 is internally 1.3000 and addition is done on its internal representation. In operations, the resulting data type is the one of previous 'X' register (this is data type of 'X' before operation occurred). To convert a 'Percent' to decimal, just multiply it by 1 (or add 0).

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Basic functions :

Errors (divide by zero, negative argument for square root, ...) are displayed (in red) in the input field and MUST be cleared with Backspace or Escape.

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Registers functions :

Internally (as coded), beside the History, we have two types of registers : the stack elements (starting at Stack 0 for 'X', Stack 1 for 'Y', ...) and the memory registers (Reg 0 to Reg 9, but also 'Last X', 'Last Y', 'Memory', Currency, Finance and "User function" associated registers). Each memory register has value, type and name properties.

Logically however (this is as presented), we have :

Clear/Display registers :

Direct Memory :

Note : Memory can be accessed/operated either by function keys (F2 to F8) or as other registers, using m as register number (its actual number being 10, as shown in next table). Its value is displayed next to 'Memory :'
x : Recall 'Last X'
y : Recall 'Last Y'
m : Recall 'Memory'

Registers / Stack operations :

s[+|-|*|/] <R> : Store (with optional operation) to Register
r <R> : Recall Register
<R>  : [.]<n>|i|x|y|m|n|r|p|a|f|c : specify register as :
    . : stack selector : refers to a stack element if provided (optional)
    <n> : register/stack number n, from 0 to 9; or
    i : indirect operations : register number specified in Memory as : '(Integer part of the absolute value of Memory) modulus 32'; meaning there are actually 32 registers (plus 'Currency' and 'Mouse TimeOut'), of which Finances ones, Last Y, ... (see table below). Indirect operations are valid only on registers, resulting in clearing the stack selector ('.') if previously keyed.
    x :  'Last X'
    y :  'Last Y'
    m Memory register
    n|r|p|a|f :  Finance registers
Examples :
    'ri' will recall register 3 if Memory content is like *3.* (for example -23.9)
    's+.5' will add X (current result) value to the 6th stack entry (this is stack element number 5, as count start from 0).
    'sp' will set the Finance register 'Present value' (will store X to ...)
    NB: 's.x' produces the same result as 'sx', and the same way,  'r.y' produces the same result as 'ry' or 'y', and 'rm' is equal to 'm'.

Partial memory operations are displayed in the Input field and can be corrected (ESC / Backspace), this is as long as the target register is not provided.

Register re-naming :

    n <R>: Change register Name, where <R> is the register number, as in Store or Recall suffix (0..9, x, y, n, ... , c). To rename User Functions, press corresponding Fn key.

  R 0 ... R 9
N Ann
P Val
F Val
Last x
Last y
Usr F1 ... Usr F8
(Mouse TimeOut)

You can change the default name given (displayed) to registers, but it will not change the way you use them (same number / letter). Rename doesn't apply to stack registers, neither to Input and Result fields. This new name will be saved with the File Save function (see later), and on Exit, depending on Auto-save mode.

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Trigonometric functions :

First type 't' as prefix for any trigonometric function ('Trigonometric' will be displayed in the input field), then :
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Finance functions :

Some theoretical background

Disclaimer : First, as finances functions are more complex to program (not directly available in my compiler library) and as I'm not a financial myself,  it is quite more difficult for me to test them. Even if I did my best, I'm just a little less than 100% sure of them. Especially the 'Rate' function, as there are no straight formula for it, and is computed on an iterative way, by Newton-Rasphon method (thus requiring the derivate of the function, not that easy ... after so many years without practice !).

This said, the finance functions rely on (are derived or extracted from) this general formula :

PV * (1 + Rate)Nbr_Annuities + Annuity * ( 1 + Rate * Type) * [ ( 1 + Rate)Nbr_Annuities - 1] / Rate + FV = 0

and, if  Rate = 0 :

PV + Annuity * Nbr_Annuities + FV = 0

where :

 Description / Remarks
Yearly interest rate, expressed (entered) in percentages.
Number of Annuities (or payments)
Present Value
Annuity (recurrent payment). I used the term 'Annuity' and not 'Payment' just because 'Payment' and 'Present' start with the same letter, making single character differentiation impossible !
Future Value
'Type' equals 0 (zero) if Annuities (payments) are due at the end of the period, and is 1 (one) if due at beginning of it.

In annuity functions, cash you pay out, such as a deposit to savings, is represented by a negative number; cash you receive, such as a dividend check, is represented by a positive number. For example, a $1,000 deposit to the bank would be represented by the argument -1000 if you are the depositor and by the argument 1000 if you are the bank.

Rates are yearly interest rate, meaning that with monthly payments (annuity period set to monthly), the monthly interest rate used in annuity function is first computed as :

Monthly_Rate = (1 + Yearly_Rate)1/12 - 1

If from the above F(Rate, Nbr_Annuities, PV, Annuity, FV) function, we can easily get PV = FPV(Rate, Nbr_Annuities, Annuity, FV)FV = FFV(Rate, Nbr_Annuities, PV, Annuity)Annuity = FAnnuity(Rate, Nbr_Annuities, PV, FV) and Nbr_Annuities = FNbr_Annuities(Rate, PV, Annuity, FV); we can not get Rate = FRate(Nbr_Annuities, PV, Annuity, FV) !
So, the only way is to compute an estimate value, by successive approximations : an iterative process, finding the root of F(Rate, Nbr_Annuities, PV, Annuity, FV), where Nbr_Annuities, PV, Annuity, FV variables are fixed.  I used therefore, the fast converging Newton-Raphson method :

Ratei+1 = Ratei  - F(Ratei, Nbr_Annuities, PV, Annuity, FV) / F'(Ratei, Nbr_Annuities, PV, Annuity, FV)

where F'(Rate,...) is the derivate by 'Rate' of F(Rate,...) :  dF/dr.


First type 'f' as prefix for any finance function ('Finance ... ' will be displayed in the input field), then : When in Finance suffix wait state, the Finance registers are displayed, as if Display Finance mode was active.  Finance registers are displayed on top of Stack register if in Register display mode, and on Registers if in Stack display mode.
On successful completion of any Finance function, the status switch from unsynchronized status ('-' indicator in Status line) to synchronized status ('*' in Status line). The Finance registers switch also from Magenta to Green color.  This way, one can immediately know if all arguments values are accorded, or other said, if the following equation is true : PV * (1 + Rate)Nbr_Annuities + Annuity * ( 1 + Rate * Type) * [ ( 1 + Rate)Nbr_Annuities - 1] / Rate + FV = 0

The interest rates are input (and displayed) as a percentage value : for example, you key '3.5sr' to store 3.5% as yearly interest rate, which is displayed as 3.5000%. Actually, numbers stored to r register are first divided by 100 (converted in %) if its data type is not already 'Percent', and is then associated with 'Percent' data type.
Other arguments are not converted, so, when working in monthly mode, the Number of Annuities must be expressed (stored) in number of months, and the Annuity amount is the monthly payment.  Thus, if you want to set directly the monthly rate (instead of the yearly), you just have to stay in Yearly mode.

Again, as I'm not a financial, I don't know which options are the more convenient.  When switching from Yearly to Monthly, I could as well automatically multiply the Number of Annuities ('N') register by 12, and vice versa.

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Conversions :

Currency conversions :

And as I'm Belgian, I "defaulted" the conversion Euro <-> Belgian Francs (Rate : 40.3399). You can change it by storing new rate in c register, and renaming it.

Currency name is structured in 3 parts :
    - First 3 characters = from currency (default is EUR)
    - Middle character : you should keep it as '>'
    - Last 3 characters = to currency (default is BEF)
Those parts are use as currency conversion labels on 'Mouse Keypad', and as corresponding conversion functions (EUR>BEF or BEF>EUR, hence the importance of middle character).

Sexagesimal conversions :

Convert hour, degree, ... coding between decimal, with decimals representing the fractional part of hour, and sexagesimal, where the two first decimal digits represent the minutes, the two next, the seconds, and the remaining ones the seconds fraction.
As example, quart past two, is in decimal mode 2.2500 and coded in sexagesimal mode as 2.1500. After conversion, sexagesimal numbers will be displayed as 02:15:00.0000. In reverse direction, 67°30'45" must be keyed 67.3045, which is in decimal 67.5125.

Metric to Imperial conversions :

Twelve conversions (in both directions) between metric and imperial systems are coded, but only accessible through the mouse keypad (no associated direct key).
m <--> ft    cm <--> in    gr <--> oz    l <--> pt     ha <--> acre    l <--> US gal
m <--> yd    km <--> mi    kg <--> lb    l <--> gal    °C <--> °F     km <--> NautMi

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... And now the ***MAGIC*** ! ! ! You won't believe it !
I dreamed of it for years, though about it for months and took some evenings to make it real !

Navigation in History, Edit & Replay :

The "History" is the list of all operations keyed since ... last clear, showing all intermediate results : the right side of the screen on black background. This section will explain how to navigate in History, and how to edit and replay it.

To access History, just click on History (right zone) or press the TAB key.

History colors / Characters codes :

Color codes are used to visualize / remind any operation done on History (Delete, Edit, Skip, ... see further for details).

Then when printing to a TEXT file, the color codes are "translated" in Characters codes, and are written at the left of history line. The corresponding characters are stated between square brackets ('[]') hereunder.

Foreground color :

 GREEN : as always, normal color for any history line
 YELLOW : highlighted value
 CYAN : edited value [>]
 WHITE : highlighted & edited value

Background color :

 BLACK : normal
 GREEN : highlighted value
 LIGHT GRAY : user functions.

And for operators / functions only :
 BLUE : line deleted or input edited without replay : indicates that the result is not correct ! [!]
 BROWN : line (operation) marked to be skipped on replay [*]
 YELLOW : line skipped in user function [*]
 RED : break point : this operation and all following will be skipped (until next break point) [#]
 LIGTH RED : break point in user function [#]
 CYAN : operations after/between break point(s) : indicates that the operation is not performed [|]. This color is only shown after a replay. (Not marked in user functions).

Characters codes (when printing) :

 > : Edited
 ! : Edited without replay
 * : Skipped
 # : Break point
 | : After/between break point(s)

History Navigation :

ESC : Quit history mode
TAB : Switch to/from history
Arrows : Navigate in history, from value to value (input and/or result)
Pg Up/Down, Home / End : Go one page up/down, go to top / bottom of History
F9 : Go to previous Edited value (if any), to top then bottom of History
ENTER : Recall highlighted value

History Edit :

To edit, just go to any value (input or result field) and overwrite the highlighted value. New input allows you to redo the calculations with other values, hypothesis (other scenario), while correcting result allows some adjustements : for example, if by computing you come to 24.89%, you could then consider 25% as better or easier value and overwrite the previous result.
   Correct with Backspace, and if input field is empty, will quit
   Quit with Escape at any time
   Validate with any other. The operator is then set with BLUE background.
DEL : Delete : Mark History line to be deleted. Operator will be replaced by DELETED on BLUE background until next replay.
INS : Fix / Release result value. You can fix the current value, protecting it against updates with replay. Also, after having fixed or edited a result, you may want to release it back, so that it will be updated again on next replay.

History Replay :

F10 : Cycle over operation skip mode : Skip / Break / Normal
   Skip : this line will be skipped on replay. The operator is then set with BROWN background.
   Break : mark as break point : from here, lines will be skipped until end of history or next break point. The operator is then set with RED background, and in between lines on CYAN.
F11 : Replay step by step. Press any key to run next line, except ESC or F12 which will resume until last line.
F12 : Replay all (RUN !)

When "replaying history", ' *** REPLAY *** ' is displayed (in red) in the input field.

If and error occurs during the replay, the error must first be cleared (with ESC or BS). The operation will be skipped and marked so, allowing you to correct and re-run.

Replay considerations :

When the first time I actually needed the history edit and replay, to make some simulations, I came directly to the limit of it : I lost the result of previous run ! This is why I then introduced the skip options and indirect memory operations.
With indirect memory functions and the specially written Memory Increment function (no effect on stack), each RUN can work on a different memory register, and thus store the outcome in a distinct register.
The skip/break mode allows to only run once the Memory initialization, and/or not replay the "post computing" of a RUN, or any undesired intermediate operations ...
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File functions :

To keep and replay the fun for ever ...

Shift-F1 : Cycle on 'Auto-save on Exit' mode (see upper).
Shift-F2 : Save status, registers (value and name) and history to a binary file, with skip info, ... allowing a "perfect" re-run afterwards (append automatically the .RPN extension)
Shift-F3 : Reload and re-play (open) a previously saved status and history from a binary file (append automatically the .RPN extension). Note that Stack and History will be cleared on file reload. Registers (value and name) will be restored before history replay (to restart from cleared registers, start the operation with a 'Clear Registers', which don't affect names).
Shift-F4 : Print registers and history to a text file (append automatically the .PRT extension)

NB: File names must respect old DOS rules :  maximum 8 characters before the extension (3 characters automatically added), with no spaces, no special characters, ...  Sorry for that !

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... And for those "mouse minded" ... But I must admit I use it !
Thanks to Bill who did nothing but requesting it !

Mouse operated :

Enable mouse keypad :

By clicking on the "up arrow" in the right top corner, you'll set the DOS box in 50 lines mode (instead of the standard 25), and a mouse keypad being displayed. You can also expand / reduce the window size (between 25 and 50 lines) with back slash character '\'.

Mouse operations :

Most mouse keypad buttons are self explanatory, and please refer to upper sections for details.

However, for convenience, some toggle keys (Save on Exit mode (Shift-F1) and Skip mode in History (F10)) have been split into direct functions/buttons.

On the other hand, all status indicators in the first line act as toggles :

When in help, left click will move down.

Copy result to clipboard

New in V5.0, you can copy the result (in 'Result' field, X or Stack 0) to Windows clipboard by double-clicking on "Result" word (hence its highlighted blue background).

Recall value

Double-click on any displayed value (register, stack, history input or result) will recall it ! Note that double-click on history value works either in Navigation (History) or Calculation mode. Great, isn't it ?

Vertical scroll bar

I've added a scroll bar, to better see the History length, to see where we are in a long History.

You can click on up/down arrow to move line by line, or on scroll bar above/below the block to move by page. No block slide (drag), sorry.

Hidden tips

- By clicking on the 'c' of '(c)P. Hardy' in the title bar, you'll get a double ESC, which in most circumstances will get you out (Exit).
- In versions up to 4.1 : Ctrl-t shows (and set if number provided in Input field) Click Time Out. Actually, Click Time Out is used to determine double-click. The new value must be in the 10 - 200 range (default being 35), otherwise the current value is shown. The updated value is saved on exit (with Currency and User functions, as Internal registers). From version 5.0, mouse parameters are those of Windows configuration.
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... and more functions, User defined :

New in version 4.1, you can now define your own functions, up to eight.


User Functions definition starts with a 'Label', ends with either a 'Goto' or 'Return' instruction and are stored in History. They are executed with corresponding 'Execute' function.

When defined (this is when Label is inserted), the corresponding key on 'mouse pad' is changed from gray to blue, as visual reminder.

On Replay, the Return instruction is automatically added at then end (of History), if a Label is still opened.
A Goto a not defined label, or to its own label, will give an error and operator will be marked "skipped". But the Goto will then still act as Return function (thus not actually skipped !). If the label is defined later on, just clear the skip mark (by pressing F10 2 times on it).

Keystroke & Mouse buttons

With the mouse, click on Function number '1..8' (blue on white background) to insert a Label, on '>' (white on light gray) for Goto and on displayed name 'Usr F1..8' (blue on light gray) to Execute.

Naming & Display

Then you can rename the corresponding function (pressing 'n' then F1 ... F8), which both affect the key label (on 'mouse keypad') and operators in history.
Label, Goto and Execute instructions are displayed as their corresponding User function name, prefixed with a special identifier character : You'll need to Replay to see new names in history. User functions (from Label to Goto or Return) are on gray background.

To keep the History zone "clean", User functions at top of it are not shown. The first "dummy" visible operator is then '^^^^^^^', which is automatically added/inserted (and deleted in some cases) on Replay. You can still delete it manually if automation fails, but it will be inserted back on next Replay (or on restart).

User functions are not deleted with History. To remove them, delete their label first or do a "Full memory reset". In the same way, function names are not deleted (reset) with Clear Names function as long as the corresponding label exists.

User mode

And last, in User mode, F1 to F8 keys are swapped with Ctrl-F1 to Ctrl-F8, allowing direct access to user defined functions (F1 will execute function 1, and Ctrl-F1 will invoke help).

The best is still to try & play with !

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Lastly ...

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Commented example

Basta con palabras ...

Lets look back at the example (quelque peu farfelu, je vous l'accorde !) as in the figure or the PRINT file listed below.  You can play with it by yourself reloading it, here is the corresponding saved file CALC41EX.RPN.
I illustrated here two independent calculations : trigonometric operations and finance rates search.

Trigonometric operations

I computed here the Sine of fractions of 180° in Degree mode first,  then the same fractions in Radian mode, subtracted the two results to check if were equal.
The fraction, (8.0000 on the second line of History area in the figure), is in cyan because it has been edited, and the operation ('/' : divide) is on blue background because I took the snapshot before re-running the History (and indeed, the result at the right is not 180 / 8, but 45, 180/4, the result of previous run).
After getting its Sine in Degree mode - and we are in Degree mode because the Status is saved into the .RPN file and is restored on open/reload - we switch to Radian mode, get Pi, divide it by the same value and took its Sine. 'In-004' meaning that I went to the History, and picked (recalled) the Input (left column) value, 4 lines up. Again, as no re-run occurs, it still show the previous value : 4 (and 180/4 = 45 : the result on second line !). Then, in early runs, I swapped X and Y to see the two results on two consecutive lines, and skipped that operation afterwards (now on brown background, its 'result' being out-of-date). Finally, the difference tells us if the two calculations come to the same result (if you try with '6', you'll see a difference of about 5.5E-17). Note that after a re-run, pressing the TAB key will bring you directly back on last edited field, in this example the divide factor.

Finance simulations

In the second part of the example, nothing to see with trigonometric part, but to illustrate other functions, I compute and store interest rate simulations for various numbers of annuities : for a loan of 2 000 $ I need, knowing that I can reimburse 180$ yearly, and can make a final re fund of 200$ at the end, to which interest rate would correspond 10 to 20 annuities, by increment of 2 years ?
First set the Finance registers (Present Value : 2 000; Future Value -200; Annuity : -180 and initial Number of annuities : 10). Those operations may then be skipped in subsequent runs, as they are initializations : STO P and STO N flagged as break points (on red background), operations in between being also skipped (cyan background).  The initial Number of annuities is then recalled (Re-001 :  recall Result (right column) 1 (one) line up), added to twice the content of Memory and stored again. Estimated interest rate is computed (Rate) and stored in register specified in Memory register : STO i.  Finally, Memory is incremented by 1 (Mem+1) so that next run will increment the number of annuities by 2 and will store the result in next register.

NB : To replay excatly the sequence, after the reload, you should :
  - Reload the CALC41EX.RPN file, which will re-run, without Finance registers initialization;
  - Clear registers : R
  - Switch to History, and skip the Clr Reg operation
  - Remove the break points at begin and end of initialization,
  - Re-play it once
  - Reset the break points.
Now, you can re-play it up to 10 times and get the Rate estimates stored in Register 0 to 9.

I recommend you to run it once in step-by-step mode and see what happens, how Status indicators changes (DEG to RAD, UNSYNCH to *SYNC* and others if modes were different before reloading ...).

Print file

ID-PHY ================== RPN Calculator V4.1 ================== (c)P. HARDY

 Result:               0.0785
 Input : 
 Last y:              10.0000
 Last x:              16.0000

Status indicators / Modes :
 Auto-save on Exit mode : [#] Save all : Status, Names, Registers, Stack and History
 Function key           : Standard mode : F1 = Help , F2 to F8 = Direct Memory functions
 Screen mode            : Normal : Register and History only (25 lines)
 Number format          : FIX (Floating), with 4 decimals
 Trigonometric mode     : RADIAN
 Finance mode           : YEARLY payments at END of period
 Finance registers are  : SYNCHRONIZED (one being computed based on others).

Internal registers :
 Click TimeOut                            35.0000
 Currency            EUR>BEF              40.3399

Finance registers :
 Present Value       P Val :           2 000.0000
 Annuity (payment)   Annuit:            -180.0000
 Future  Value       F Val :            -200.0000
 Interest Rate       Rate/Y:             7.8478 %
 Number of Annuities N Ann :              26.0000

Memory registers :
 Index :               9.0000
  R  0 :               0.0000
  R  1 :               0.0246
  R  2 :               0.0412
  R  3 :               0.0528
  R  4 :               0.0612
  R  5 :               0.0674
  R  6 :               0.0721
  R  7 :               0.0757
  R  8 :               0.0785
  R  9 :               0.0000

Stack registers :
 St  0 :               0.0785
 St  1 :              26.0000
 St  2 :               0.0000
 St  3 :               0.0000

  =================== History ===================

               180.0000 Enter              180.0000
 !>              8.0000 /                   45.0000
                        Sin                  0.7071
                        Radian               0.7071
                        Pi                   3.1416
                        In-004               4.0000
                        /                    0.7854
                        Sin                  0.7071
 *                      Swap                 0.7071
                        -                    0.0000
 #           2 000.0000 STO  P           2 000.0000
 |            -200.0000 STO  F            -200.0000
 |            -180.0000 STO  A            -180.0000
 #              10.0000 STO  N              10.0000
                        Re-001              10.0000
                        RCL  M               8.0000
                 2.0000 *                   16.0000
                        +                   26.0000
                        STO  N              26.0000
                        Rate                 0.0785
                        STO  i               0.0785
                        Mem+1                0.0785
[ Back to Top, User's Guide or Table of Content ]

Quick Help

Quick Help is now (from V4.1) in a separate file (CALC_HLP.TXT), with its own format. You can edit it with any text editor, to add your comments, changes colors, ...

Here below, a reformatted extract of Help file, as displayed in Help function (without colors but with bold, ...) :


RPN Calculator

An RPN calculator, working as old HP calculators with infinite stack, trigonometric and finance functions, conversions, editable & replayable history of operations, user defined functions, ... Author : Pierre Hardy Version : 5.0, March 2014 More info at : http://id-phy.orgfree.com/CALC/CALC.html Copyright Pierre Hardy, 2004 - 2014. All rights reserved. The program may be freely used and distributed. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

Base Operations

Number Input : 0 - 9, e, . or , : Digits, Exponent sign, Decimal point = : '-' sign (only if entered before digit) INS : Change sign, anywhere in number input (+/- toggle) <- / DEL : Correct / Delete, if empty input : delete x Basic functions : +, -, *, /, %, Enter : basic operators ~ : Change sign operator (end entry) i : 1/x : Invert ! : n! : Factorial(x) d : Delta % : (x/y)-1 ` (back quote) or small 2 : Square v : v : Square root q : x^3 : Cube ^ : y^x : y raised to power x l : LN : Logarithm Neperian L : Log : Logarithm base 10 p : e^x : e to the Xth power P : 10^x: 10 to the Xth power Stack movements : <,> or LEFT, RIGHT arrows : Swap x and y UP, DOWN arrow : Scroll stack ESC : Exit +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

Extended Functions

Accessed by pressing 'f' or 't' first f : Finance functions : t : Trigonometric functions : d : Display/Hide Finance Reg. d,r : Degree, Radian mode b,e : Begin/End of period p : Pi (3.141592...) m,y : Monthly/Yearly Annuity s,c,t : Sine, Cosine, Tangent c : Clear Finance registers and S,C,T : ArcSin,ArcCos,ArcTangent restore setting to End & Yearly Computes (assuming all 4 other values are provided) : n : Number of annuities r : Rate (yearly rate in %) p : Present value a : Annuity (payment) f : Future value Negative value = Cash out After execution of finance function, Finance registers changes form Magenta to Green, and indicator in status bar switch form '-' to '*' +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

Memory Operations

Direct Memory functions (on Mem register) : F2 : Increment memory (+1) F3 : Store F4|m : Recall F5 : Store + F6 : Store - F7 : Store * F8 : Store / Stack and Registers operations : x, y, m : Recall Last x, Last y or Direct Memory (Mem register) s[+|-|*|/] : Store to (with optional operation [+|-|*|/]), r : Recall , is : 0 - 9 : for Register number .0 - .9 : for Stack number x, y, m : for Last x, y or Memory n,r,p,a,f : Finance registers (see Finance functions) Numbers stored to 'r' are converted to % c : Currency rate i for Indirect : Register number specified as 'Mem mod 32' Examples: s1 s*.2 s+y ri r.4 m sf x Stack is infinite & circular. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

Rename, Clear, Save and Reload

Register rename : n |[Usr Fn] : Set register or "User Function" Name (Press Fn) File functions : Shift-F1 : Cycle on Save modes Shift-F2 : Print to File Shift-F3 : SAVE all to file Shift-F4 : RELOAD from file & Replay Clear operations and 'Save on exit' options : | CLEAR | SAVE KEY/SAVE Flag |N R K Y c C A M| .-+*#X ' ' Clear all but : User Fn & Cur| x|xxxxxx- - User Functions & names Status Flags | x| xxxxx- - Currency rate & "name" Names |x x x| xxxx- - Mouse TimeOut (Ctrl-t) Registers | x x x x| xxx- StacK | x x x x x| xx- 'X' Exit without saving HistorY | x x x x x| x- => will restart as prev. Ctrl-DEL or M : "Factory reset" or "Memory Lost" (~= .INI file delete) Clear History also reset Trig. & Fin. modes to initial (saved) state. Currency rate & User Functions & names are only cleared with Ctrl-Del To clear User Function, delete its label then clear History (& Names) +---------------------------------------------------------------------+


Sexagesimal conversions : h : HR->HH:MM:SS : conversion to sexagesimal H : HH:MM:SS->HR : conversion to Decimal Currency conversions : Currency rate is stored in 'c' register : BEF/EUR in default example. Corresponding name "EUR>BEF" used (needs a Replay after rename) : - to re-label mouse keys as [EUR] [BEF] (at left of HMS) - as Function name in history "EUR>BEF" or "BEF>EUR" £ (Pound symbol) or Z : multiply by rate (to "BEF" or Local ) $ (Dolar symbol) or z : divide by rate (to "EUR", USD, ...) Metric to Imperial conversions : Only available through "Mouse pad". +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

More functions ... User defined !

User Functions keys : Up to 8 User Functions can be defined Alt-F1...F8 : Creates a User Function (insert a Label in History) Ctrl-F1..F8 : Executes corresponding User Function (if defined) Alt-F9..F12, Ctrl-F9..F12 : Go to label 1-4, 5-8 Ctrl-End : Return (end function) U : User mode toggle : Swap F1..F8 with Ctrl-F1..Ctrl-F8 functions A function is terminated by either Return or Goto function. Visually, functions are between { }, and grayed in History. Mouse operations : Click on : Key Number to insert a Label (define function) '>' sign for "Go to" Function Label (default is "Usr Fn") to Execute When defined, function key color (on mouse pad) will change to blue Function label (renamed) will be used in History (Replay to refresh) User functions are stored in History, but not cleared with History. Functions at top of History are "hidden" above screen, ending with [^^^^^^^] : automatically added after last "hidden" function, making it the first visible "operation" (can be deleted). +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

... and now the MAGIC !

History Navigation : ESC : Quit history mode TAB : Switch to/from history ENTER : Recall value (and exit) F9 : Cycle on edited values Arrows, Home, End, Page Up and Page Down : Navigate in history History Edit : Overwrite on input or result field, correct with Backspace Quit with Escape and Validate with any other key. Value set in CYAN and Operator set on BLUE until next Replay DEL : Mark line to be DELETED INS : Fix / Release result value F10 : Operation skip mode : Skip (BROWN): skip one line Break (RED) : skip until next break or until end History Replay : F11 : Replay step by step then ... F12 : Replay all : Re-RUN / Refresh +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

... MOUSE & Display ...

Mouse operation : \ or Click on [Arrow] (upper right corner) : 'Mouse keypad' toggle. Mouse Keypad should be self explanatory, most map to key strokes. Double click on : - any value to recall it, wheel roll = [up], [down] - text "Result" to copy result to clipboard Status bar 'mouse toggles/keys' : First characater : cycle on "Save on exit" mode STD|USR FIX|Fix|SCI|Sci REG|STK RAD|DEG BEG|END YRL|MTL HELP [^] -|* (between BEG and YRL) : Finance display (c) : Quick exit F|S toggle between SCI|FIX, last two between Mixed & Same Format Display format : F n : FIX mode (n Decimals) S n : SCI mode (n Decimals) # : Toggle between Mixed (Fix|Sci) and Same (FIX|SCI) Format D : Display mode toggle : Stack/Register precedence (over Reg/Stk) MixFmt : Mixed Format, numbers displayed as when entered : Fix or Sci SmFmt : Same Format, all displayed as current setting : FIX or SCI. Number of decimals applies to all. Refresh (F12) to update History. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
[ Back to Top, User's Guide or Table of Content ]

... in alphabetical order

Only direct key entry are listed here, not the suffix (store/recall), subfunctions (like in Trigonometric, Finance functions).

 a :                            A : clear All: names, reg, stk & hist.
 b :             
 c : clear stack and history    C : clear registers, stack and history
 d : delta %                    D : toggle display mode Stack | Register
 e : E character in numbers
 f : finance functions          F : Fix (Floating) display format
 g : 
 h : convert to sexagesimal     H : convert to decimal
 i : invert : 1/x
 j : 
 k :                            K : clear stacK
 l : LN : logarithm neperian    L : LOG : logarithm base 10
 m : recall memory              M : Memory reset
 n : register re-Name           N : clear register names
 o : 
 p : e^x                        P : 10^x
 q : cube : x^3
 r : recall                     R : clear registers
 s : store                      S : Scientific (Exp) display format
 t : trigonometric functions
 u :                            U : User | Std mode toggle
 v : square root
 w : 
 x : Last x
 y : Last y                     Y : clear historY
 z : From Currency conversion   Z : To Currency conversion
 0 - 9 : digits                 ,. : decimal separator
 + : plus                       - : minus
 * : multiply                   / : divide
 % : percentage                 ! : factorial
 ~ : change sign                = : minus sign
 ^ : power                      ` , [small 2] : square
 $ : From Currency conversion   £ (Pound) : To Currency conversion
 Ctrl-c : Copy Result to clipboard
 \ : Mouse pad toggle           # : Mixed | Same Format mode toggle
 ESC : quit / exit              TAB : to/from History

        Function keys

 F1 : Quick Help                Shift F1 : Cycle on Save mode
 F2 : Mem + 1                   Shift F2 : Print
 F3 : Store to Mem              Shift F3 : Save
 F4 : Recall Mem                Shift F4 : Reload
 F5 : Store + Mem
 F6 : Store - Mem
 F7 : Store * Mem
 F8 : Store / Mem
 F9 : Go to previous edited
 F10 : Toggle skip | break | normal mode
 F11 : Step by step run
 F12 : Replay : run all
 Alt-F1..F8  : Label 1 .. 8     Ctrl-F1..F8  : Execute Fct 1 .. 8
 Alt-F9..F12 : Go to 1 .. 4     Ctrl-F9..F12 : Go to 5 .. 8
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To conclude ...

This program is "freeware", but if you download and test it, could you provide me some feedback. Suggestions on key mapping, new functions, mouse keypad layout (I'm not 100% satisfied of it), ... are welcome. I'm thinking about extended finance functions, add statistic functions, ... So if you have some requirements, I just make no promises ;-)
I'd like to know who uses it, so I could add you to the users list and inform you of new "releases". Take one minute to drop me an e-mail !

Pierre HARDY.
e-mail : pierrehardy01@yahoo.be

Copyright © Pierre Hardy, 2004 - 2014. All rights reserved. The program and this document may be freely used and distributed.

(5 - 01/07/2014)      ¤     
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